


We have very limited openings for new campers each year. Please complete the form to apply.

Apply now

“Every summer's different, but this place will never change.”

Tony Silva

What it’s all about

Camp Jabberwocky provides families with a child with disabilities the opportunity to participate in camp for a long weekend at our Family Camp!

The goal and purpose of Family Camp weekend is to share the love and joy of Camp Jabberwocky. Families challenge themselves with fun and exciting outings. Through the support of volunteers, families participate in camp activities, sing songs around a campfire, go to the beach and take a few days out of their lives to just relax and enjoy time with each other, creating a memorable experience for the entire family. Together eight or nine families share in the camp experience and enjoy the company of other families.

Camp Jabberwocky is completely tuition‑free!

As you know, we are one of a handful of charities where nearly every donation goes directly to funding camp programs and operations, a fact that makes us all especially proud!

Make a donation

A typical day

Here’s what it looks like

8:30 am


Wake up with coffee, juice, milk, and a hearty breakfast with the rest of the campers and families

10:00 am

Morning activities

With the day ahead of us, there’s no telling what may come -- you’ll be happy you ate breakfast, that’s for sure

12:30 pm


Back to the main cabin for homemade lunch from our wonderful chefs

1:30 pm

Rest time / Parent chat

Rest and recovery time for the campers while the parents have their own time to connect

2:45 pm

Afternoon activities

Back at it again! Maybe we’ll head to the beach! Maybe to town! Maybe archery! Maybe pottery!

5:30 pm


Convene again for a delicious home cooked meal as we meet together for the final meal of the day

7:00 pm

Evening activity

While the volume tends to be lower for these activities, there are still surprises in store

9:30 pm


Head back to your cabin, brush and floss, wash up, change, and get to bed! We’ve got another awesome day tomorrow

“Jabberwocky means family. There’s no stronger bond than the one that holds Jabberwockians together.”

— Kaitlin Burkle

2022 Dates

Family Camp 1: August 26 - August 29
Family Camp 2: September 2 - September 5


We have very limited openings for new campers each year. Please complete the form to apply.

Apply now